Make New Friends Girl Scout Swap

Make New Friends Girl Scout Swap

Make new friends, but keep the old.  One is silver and the other is gold.  This Girl Scout swap contains a silver ring and a gold ring with the Make new friends song lyrics.…

Green Blood Swap

Girl Scout Swap

When I got this swap the liquid was green.  The tag says “Girl Scouts Bleed Green”  It’s a medical vial.  No idea what’s actually in it.  –  UPDATE:   Kathy (the maker of the swap) sent …

Shrinky dink Swap

Shrinkydink swap

This swap is  made with a shrinky-dink run through the computer.

Shrinky Dinks are plastic sheets that shrink when baked in an oven.  There are shrinky dinks that can be run through an ink jet …