Blow Dryer Swap

Blow Dryer Swap

This camp blow dryer swap contains a balloon with the tag instructions “Inflate one balloon.  Slowly release near hair.”…

Clothes Dryer swap

GS washer and dryer

The bag contains a washer, twine, and a clothes pin.  The tag states “Every Girl Scout who goes camping needs to carry this item. . . A GENUINE Girl Scout washer and dryer”.…

Dunkbag Swap

Dunk Bag Swap

This dunk bag swap is made with a poker chip, electric end cap, mini cloths pins, and tulle sewn togehter.…

Smore in a Bag

Smore in a Bag Swap

This Smore in a Bag Swap has a marshmallow  pony bead, on a chenille stem, foamie for a graham cracker and a hersheys logo.…